First make a website top page by "Pages" on the left side menu.
Click "Add New".
Write title of the page.
Then, write contents.
Click "Publish".
You`ve created the top page.
Next, make the blog top page.
Click "Pages" on the left side menu.
Click "Add New".
Write "Blog" or anything that the users can know that it`s a blog top page.
Change permalink to your blog top page address by using the "Edit" button.
(The changed address becomes your blog top page address.)
Don`t write contents in the fill in section !!
Click "Publish".
Now, set the two top pages that you`ve made to web top page and blog top page.
Click "Settings" from the left menu section.
Click "Reading".
Select the page that you`ve made for website top page as "Front page (Website top page)".
Select the page that you`ve made for blog top page as "Posts page (Blog top page)".
Click "save".
If you click the Blog button you will jump to the blog top page.
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