Web Shakehands
Web Shakehands


Share your activity !

Web Shakehands office staff will help your activity by the following ways.

1.Get more traffic to your website by using “Listing Advertisement“.

Office staff will advertise your activity by “Listing Advertisement“ on Google and Yahoo search engine! (Suggest using it for your business.)

What is listing advertisement.

“Listing Advertisement” is an advertisement displayed on top or right side of Google or Yahoo search result page. You can get more traffic on your website.


The red surrounded part is the listing advertisement section.

Many users have improved there activity and business plan using listing advertisement.


I have ordered listing advertisement to other company (It was a famous company) but it didn`t go out well even if I payed a lot. The only amout of money paid was ten-thousand yen a month for listing advertisement to get 11 customers here. It didn`t go well if I try only by myself.
Mr. Yanamoto gave me other ideas also to gain new customers.

Kato Manipulative Institute


Not only the listing advertisement but I`ve got many advice about website as well. That have made a big result to receive many customers. There is a pattern to gain customers and he knows about it from the experience. There are advice for listing advertisement every month and that reaches to gain more customers.

Tanaka Chiropractic clinic


There were many reservations by phone. It was the very first time owning website for our shop, so I have offered Mr. Yanamoto. Smartphone website is popular now and internet business run really fast so receiving information from experienced person is helpful.

Salon of Therepy - Karin

To contact.

Please fill in bellow.

2.Plan for collaboration projects with other activities.
Post your activity information!

Web Shakehands will plan for collaboration projects with other activities to create new business, events, etc.

-WAZA project-

Please give us ideas from the fill in form below!

Fill in bellow.

必須Full Name
必須E-mail again
Your Website


Company:Bright Art Planning

Representative:Kazuki Yanamoto

Kazuki Yanamoto

Web site:http://www.bright-art.com

Address:1-16-8 Benten, Chuouku, Chibashi, Chiba

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