Web Shakehands
Web Shakehands


5 crucial points to sell your products by using the online websites"

There are many types of website that you can make.

Official website, corporate website, information website, etc.

There are also many people who are making "online sale" type of websites.

But even though many people start the online sale website, they say that this is a difficult business.

In this article, I will explain 5 crucial points to sell your products by using the online websites.

I will list these 5 first, and then explain one by one.



Beneficial feeling

Easy to use


Objective facts



What are the user`s merits for buying products on the internet?

One of the merits is the "Speed".

You don`t have to get out and buy it from the store if you use smartphone or PC.

You can buy the products fast, and that is the biggest merit.

If you put numbers on the front of the top page, you can tell the speed, and users willingness to buy the products increases.

Brand Wear

「We will make a free assessment within 30 min. !」

It will be a merit to put this catch copy on to the online shop for the brand wear shop to tell how fast you can receive the assessment.

You will know the price of your clothes less than only 30 min. when you send pictures of the clothes from the website.

Users cannot wait for many days. They want the information right away.

So this is a good way to differentiate with other shops.

For the other categories of the online shop, you can use catch copies like this.

"We will send the products today !", "Free consultation now !".

These will tell the speed to the users, and the point is to put on the front section that many users see it first.


2.Beneficial feeling

Many shops are using this service.

"1000yen off campaign"

"Ladies day on Wednesday"

"Gift will be given for the people who shows the smartphone page !" (This is for the real shop)

These are all services that give beneficial feeling to the users.

Not only this but,

"Only 2 people !"

"It`s for the first 30 people !"

Like this, you can use services that pushes users back.


3.Easy to use

Users see if the website is easy to use it or not.

If it is an online website, users see if there is a shopping cart, credit cards are available or not, easily take a contact with the owner, easy to cancel the products, etc.

"Easy to use" is the key point.

These are also a merit to buying the products without going out and buy it from the real shop.

Brand Wear



The demerit of online shop compared with the real shop is that it is difficult to understand the actual situation.

Users are looking into the website if it is a dishonest company or not with strictness.

They want to buy from the reliable shops.

Therefore, we need to wipe out the worries of the users.

Good ways to do this is to put "achievement" and "experience".

For "achievement", there is a way to put "customers voice of joy".

It is better to put pictures with the voices so that users will be relieved.

You can write about the good point of the products or the staffs good response.

For "experience", you can put what you have done until now to tell the shops effort and evaluation.

If you have an experience of big orders from certain companies, that will be your experience, so I suggest putting on to the page.

"Our original aroma oil was used on the ○○ events !".


If it was a self-business, you can tell a story.

An example of the online shop which sells an original hand made accessories.

"I have ordered an accessory for my fiend`s wedding."

"It`s been 5 years from buying it, but I am still wearing it on the wedding day !"

"The ordered accessory is the only one, so I love it in my whole life !"


5.Objective facts

Users want to know the "Objective facts" right now.

You need to put these facts below on the top page.

"Experience of 50 years"

"35,000 people are using it !"

There are many ways even if your online shop has just started.

"These products are for the people once the shopping-in-a-lifetime !.

You can never buy at the other shops. It`s your own original handmade furniture !

Please have it on your new house !".


"You cannot buy this at the street shops".

"Rare antique guitars !".

Brand Wear

Like this, if you don`t have much experience, you can sell products that the other shops don`t sell, and this will be the differentiation with the other shops.

There are Raku-ten and Amazon which are very big online shop companies.

It is difficult to have a chance of winning with these companies, so I suggest selling an original service or products.

There are many ideas to tell the appeal of your online shop to make it as a thriving shop.

Many of these shops do different things than the other shops do.

We see many possibilities using the internet.


This time, I have explained about the 5 points how to sell your products by using the online shop.


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