Web Shakehands
Web Shakehands


Is the "Responsive Design" advantage for creating a website?

I assume you know the word "Responsive Design".

This is a design layout that has started a few years ago.

Recently, it`s an age of the smartphone website.

The theme of the website creators now is to adapt with this "Responsive Design".

Compared to the PC monitor, smartphone monitor is small.
Therefore, we have to fundamentally change the design layout of these two.

There are two main ways in order to make the PC website and the smartphone website.

1. Additional to the PC website, make a smartphone website.

2. Having the same PC and the smartphone website, create the layout by changing only the design parts of these two.

What are the differences between this two ways?

For No. 1, you need time and effort to make another smartphone website, and also updating is tiresome.

By this demerit, Google suggests using method No.2.

You only have to change one time to fix the website to update the PC and the smartphone.

This is the biggest merits of "Responsive Design" method.

Personally, I wasn`t favored by this system a few years ago.

This is because when the PC and the smartphone come out with the same contents, there ise no way to make the original contents only for the smartphone site.

For example, if you want to put contents of the jeans coat and the jeans pants on the top page, the contents will be too long to show it on the smartphone.

I`d rather think to separate the jeans coat and the jeans pants on different pages so that the contents won`t be too long.

To do this, No1. method is available, but you cannot do with the responsive design.

But recently, SEO becomes an advantage by changing pages with different categories, and also smartphone users are more than the PC users now, so I concluded that the responsive design is better.

There are more reasons to use the responsive design.

1. The website will be faster to open.

2. Users got used to using the smartphone, so even if the contents are the same with the PC and the smartphone, users are now able to use and see the contents easily with the smartphone.

3. Smartphone site is the main device now, so making the website by "mobile first" is the typical way of creating the website now.

No 3. is very important.

Over 75% of the users are now searching the website with the smartphone.

Therefore, we now have to make a simple design layout for the smartphone and corresponds to simple design layout for the PC website as well.

The keyword from now on is "mobile first".

This will be the main method to create the websites.


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Is the "Responsive Design" advantage for creating a website?

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