Web Shakehands
Web Shakehands


Make an original title bar for Jimdo.

Last time, I have introduced you how to surround the words with a box to make it cooler and readable for the users.

To do this, we used HTML and CSS.

This time, we will also use HTML and CSS to make an original title bar.

You can copy and paste the tag.

Of course, you can arrange it to make it better.

The one above is the title bar that you can make it with the tool button.

The bottom one is the original title bar. Jimdo タイトルバー

First, click the widget button. Jimdo ウィジット

(Copy and paste the below tag.)

Please paste the tag into the window. Jimdo ウィジット

I will write an explanation of the tags. Jimdo HTML

1.border: 1px

"border" is used to surround the words by line.
"1px" is used to change the thickness of the line.
2.solid grey

You can select the type of a line. There are "double" (two lines) and other types other than "solid".

You can find other types from the below page.


grey = select color.

You can choose the color from the color chart.

3.padding: 8px

You can change the distance from the words to the title box.

Select background color of the title.

This time it is blue.

This place is to change the color, thickness, and size of the words written on the title bar.

color:white = white

font-weight:bold = thickness of the words

font-size:30px = size of the words

Jimdo タイトルバー
Title is very important to read the contents for the users.

You also read the title first in the newspaper.

To highlight the title is one of a way to attract users interest.


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