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Web Shakehands


Use plugin "All in One SEO Pack"

One of the most popular plugins for WordPress is "All in One SEO Pack".

You should put this plugin when you finish making your website if you are thinking about the search engine optimization (SEO).
All in One SEO Pack settings

I would like to list what kind of settings you can do with this plugin.

1. You can hit the keywords on the search engine by changing the title and the description of each page and blog article.

2. Send "Sitemap" so that the website will be easily hit by the search engine.

3. You can set "Google Analytics".

4. You can make particular pages unable to be seen on the search engine.

6. You can link your website to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Not only these main settings, but you can do many other things with this plugin.


This time, I will tell you the first settings of "All in One SEO Pack".

The crucial setting of this plugin is to hit the keywords on the search engine by changing the title and the description of each page and blog article.

This is because it is not only the top page but several other pages will be hit on the search engine, and there need to change the keywords.

For example, I will tell you in the description section.

The description on the search result page. All in One SEO Pack search
All in One SEO Pack description

"This Ra-men is only 600 yen! It is also popular for ladies! 100 yen off on every Wednesday. It`s the ladies day!"

If this description is on all the pages,

users searched for the keyword

"Shibuya Ra-men" will be shown on the search list.

But if users searched with

"Shibuya Chashu-men"

it doesn`t hit on the search list.

This is because the keyword "Shibuya Chashu-men" is not in it.

※This is when the keyword is not in the title but also there is no keyword in the contents nor the meta section.


If you write description on the page "Chashu-men" like this,

"Chashu-men is only 650 yen! It is cheap! It is also popular for ladies! 100 yen off for "Chashu-men" on every Wednesday. It`s the ladies day!".

there is now the keyword "Chashu-men" in it, so there will possibility of hit on the search engine by this keyword,

"Shibuya Chashu-men"

As you can see, the merit of "All in One SEO Pack" is that you can change the description of each page.

The description is more effective if you change it with the title.


Title and description on the page "Chashu-men".

"Shibuya low-cost Chashu-men shop≪Genki≫"

"Chashu-men is only 650 yen! It is cheap! It is also popular for ladies! 100 yen off for "Chashu-men" on every Wednesday. It`s the ladies day!".

If users search with the keyword "Chashu-men", the page of Chashu-men will hit on the search list.

※How it hits on the Google will change with its algorithm.

"All in One SEO Pack" is one of the plugins that is necessary to do SEO.


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